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Aug. 1, 2024

Nelson Mullins Recognized in American Health Law 2024 Top Honors

Nelson Mullins’ Healthcare Team has been recognized by American Health Law Association (AHLA) with top honors. AHLA Top Honors recognizes the organizations behind its members, including law firms, organizations, health plans, businesses, and government agencies that consistently and enthusiastically sustain their members’ and employees’ affiliation with AHLA. The firm was recognized for having more than 25 AHLA members, with 54 members total.

The Healthcare Team includes a combination of highly experienced regulatory compliance, litigation, tax and finance, and transactional attorneys with extensive collective knowledge of the healthcare industry operations and trends. Our multi-disciplinary team combines real-world experience with innovative legal strategy to drive practical, real-time decision making. We study our clients’ businesses, monitor policy developments and industry trends, listen to understand clients’ goals, identify opportunities, and deliver solutions to the challenges confronting our clients of all sizes and specialties.

Click here to view all organizations honored.

Established in 1897, Nelson Mullins is a full-service Am Law 100 firm of more than 1,000 attorneys, policy advisors, and professionals with offices across the United States. For more information, go to