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Healthcare Essentials

Nov. 22, 2023

Monitor Mondays Podcast Featuring Knicole Emanuel; AI and Medical Record Audits, False Claims Act, Prescription Drugs, Violence in American Hospitals, and Two-Midnight Rule Episodes

By Knicole Emanuel

The Monitor Mondays Podcast is hosted by MedLearn, with each episode being around 30 minutes long. Monitor Mondays dives into the latest regulatory audit news and information from CMS, OIG, and OMHA. Each Monday, listeners will gain a new perspective into healthcare from leading professionals in the industry, specifically related to information for providers, decision makers, third-party contract auditors, and governmental auditors.

Raleigh partner Knicole Emanuel has over 20 years of healthcare litigation experience, with a primary focus on Medicare and Medicaid litigation, healthcare regulatory law and compliance, and administrative law. She is featured on the podcast weekly providing the "RAC Report," where she gives a report of the latest news about auditors in the healthcare industry.

Check out the most recent podcast episodes featuring Emanuel: