Chelsea focuses her practice on a variety of litigation matters, including healthcare litigation, certificate of need, products liability, toxic torts, and complex business litigation. She also counsels clients in response to cybersecurity and other data incidents and provides guidance in ensuing governmental investigations and actions.
Chelsea has experience in litigating cases from start to finish, including...
Chelsea focuses her practice on a variety of litigation matters, including healthcare litigation, certificate of need, products liability, toxic torts, and complex business litigation. She also counsels clients in response to cybersecurity and other data incidents and provides guidance in ensuing governmental investigations and actions.
Chelsea has experience in litigating cases from start to finish, including at trial. She currently serves as a discovery coordinating counsel for a major manufacturer of consumer products.
at trial. She currently serves as a discovery coordinating counsel for a major manufacturer of consumer products.
Chelsea focuses her practice on a variety of litigation matters, including healthcare litigation, certificate of need, products liability, toxic torts, and complex business litigation. She also counsels clients in response to cybersecurity and other data incidents and provides guidance in ensuing governmental investigations and actions.
Chelsea has experience in litigating cases from start to finish, including... at trial. She currently serves as a discovery coordinating counsel for a major manufacturer of consumer products.