For more than 35 years, Earle has participated in public finance transactions raising billions of dollars in more than 15 states and territories, as well as for Native American tribes, to finance, among other things, airports; roads; mass transit facilities; water, sewer, gas, and electric utilities; solid waste facilities; public and private primary and secondary educational...
For more than 35 years, Earle has participated in public finance transactions raising billions of dollars in more than 15 states and territories, as well as for Native American tribes, to finance, among other things, airports; roads; mass transit facilities; water, sewer, gas, and electric utilities; solid waste facilities; public and private primary and secondary educational facilities; higher educational and research facilities; healthcare facilities; elderly, multifamily, and single family housing; hotels; conference centers; convention facilities; broadband; public buildings and infrastructure; park, recreational, and sports facilities; economic development projects; and downtown redevelopment projects.
Earle has served as an expert witness for the Securities and Exchange Commission in a landmark civil enforcement proceeding involving municipal securities and as a consulting expert to the Securities and Exchange Commission for civil enforcement proceedings involving municipal securities. He served on the State of Georgia Bond Allocation Technical Advisory Committee when the original bond allocation plan for the State of Georgia was developed in the mid-1980s and presently serves on the Advisory Board and as a visiting instructor for the Center for State and Local Finance of The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies of Georgia State University. He frequently drafts and consults on public finance-related legislation proposed by the Georgia General Assembly. Examples of legislation that he had significant involvement with include the statute authorizing the use of derivative contracts by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the statute authorizing the use of commercial paper by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the constitutional amendment reauthorizing community redevelopment and authorizing the use of educational taxes to secure tax allocation bonds of local governmental units, the Georgia Higher Education Facilities Authority Act, and amendments to the Development Authorities Law and the Urban Redevelopment Law.
Earle has served as a panelist or speaker on public finance issues at events sponsored by the National Association of Bond Lawyers, The Bond Buyer, the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association, the Georgia Institute of Continuing Legal Education, the Georgia Economic Developers Association, the University System of Georgia Lawyers Group, the Society for College and University Planning, the International Municipal Lawyers Association, the Health Care Financial Managers Association, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Association of School Business Officials, and the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. He co-chaired in 2014 and 2016 The Seminar Group’s Public/Private Finance and Development seminar.
Earle passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant examination in May 1981.
facilities; higher educational and research facilities; healthcare facilities; elderly, multifamily, and single family housing; hotels; conference centers; convention facilities; broadband; public buildings and infrastructure; park, recreational, and sports facilities; economic development projects; and downtown redevelopment projects.
Earle has served as an expert witness for the Securities and Exchange Commission in a landmark civil enforcement proceeding involving municipal securities and as a consulting expert to the Securities and Exchange Commission for civil enforcement proceedings involving municipal securities. He served on the State of Georgia Bond Allocation Technical Advisory Committee when the original bond allocation plan for the State of Georgia was developed in the mid-1980s and presently serves on the Advisory Board and as a visiting instructor for the Center for State and Local Finance of The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies of Georgia State University. He frequently drafts and consults on public finance-related legislation proposed by the Georgia General Assembly. Examples of legislation that he had significant involvement with include the statute authorizing the use of derivative contracts by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the statute authorizing the use of commercial paper by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the constitutional amendment reauthorizing community redevelopment and authorizing the use of educational taxes to secure tax allocation bonds of local governmental units, the Georgia Higher Education Facilities Authority Act, and amendments to the Development Authorities Law and the Urban Redevelopment Law.
Earle has served as a panelist or speaker on public finance issues at events sponsored by the National Association of Bond Lawyers, The Bond Buyer, the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association, the Georgia Institute of Continuing Legal Education, the Georgia Economic Developers Association, the University System of Georgia Lawyers Group, the Society for College and University Planning, the International Municipal Lawyers Association, the Health Care Financial Managers Association, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Association of School Business Officials, and the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. He co-chaired in 2014 and 2016 The Seminar Group’s Public/Private Finance and Development seminar.
Earle passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant examination in May 1981.
For more than 35 years, Earle has participated in public finance transactions raising billions of dollars in more than 15 states and territories, as well as for Native American tribes, to finance, among other things, airports; roads; mass transit facilities; water, sewer, gas, and electric utilities; solid waste facilities; public and private primary and secondary educational... facilities; higher educational and research facilities; healthcare facilities; elderly, multifamily, and single family housing; hotels; conference centers; convention facilities; broadband; public buildings and infrastructure; park, recreational, and sports facilities; economic development projects; and downtown redevelopment projects.
Earle has served as an expert witness for the Securities and Exchange Commission in a landmark civil enforcement proceeding involving municipal securities and as a consulting expert to the Securities and Exchange Commission for civil enforcement proceedings involving municipal securities. He served on the State of Georgia Bond Allocation Technical Advisory Committee when the original bond allocation plan for the State of Georgia was developed in the mid-1980s and presently serves on the Advisory Board and as a visiting instructor for the Center for State and Local Finance of The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies of Georgia State University. He frequently drafts and consults on public finance-related legislation proposed by the Georgia General Assembly. Examples of legislation that he had significant involvement with include the statute authorizing the use of derivative contracts by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the statute authorizing the use of commercial paper by the State of Georgia and its local governmental units, the constitutional amendment reauthorizing community redevelopment and authorizing the use of educational taxes to secure tax allocation bonds of local governmental units, the Georgia Higher Education Facilities Authority Act, and amendments to the Development Authorities Law and the Urban Redevelopment Law.
Earle has served as a panelist or speaker on public finance issues at events sponsored by the National Association of Bond Lawyers, The Bond Buyer, the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association, the Georgia Institute of Continuing Legal Education, the Georgia Economic Developers Association, the University System of Georgia Lawyers Group, the Society for College and University Planning, the International Municipal Lawyers Association, the Health Care Financial Managers Association, the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Association of School Business Officials, and the Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants. He co-chaired in 2014 and 2016 The Seminar Group’s Public/Private Finance and Development seminar.
Earle passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant examination in May 1981.